I think it is the same for personal and spiritual transformation. What at first appears "cold" and "inopportune" can actually be the catalyst for change. In my Personal Proclivity workshops and coaching, I refer to this as Recognizance of Seasonality. This is my theory on it:
Recognizance of Seasonality – Transformation contains seasons of both positive and negative movement. What may be perceived as a negative season may actually be the catalyst for positive transformational movement.
I think that we toggle between positive and negative seasons of growth while usually making long-tern forward progress. Just this week I had several coaching conversations with others (and some with myself!) that exemplified this. Some of my friends were determined they were losing ground. While in this current season this may be true, I discussed with the the possibility that this negative movement was a season that would likely move them forward - so it was actually a catalyst for positive growth.
Like the daily temperature changes in Arizona this time of year, negative seasons can be opportunities for self-training and could be a great adventure - even if both are recognized only after the fact. Remembering this could help us endure and be hopeful the next time we toggle into a negative season.
Dr. Carlyle’s research has exposed four necessary
ingredients for lasting life
transformation. He refers to these as
the 4 R’s of Transformation: 1) Recognizance of Seasonality 2) Resource Reallocation 3) Regular Diet and 4)Reciprocating Relationships. The remaining three will be explored in the next few weeks. For more information on this theory, information on personal coaching or to look at upcoming workshops with Dr Carlyle, click the icon below or go to drcarlyle.com.
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