Emotional Intelligence Strength Training

A few weeks ago I went out on a mountain bike ride with 3 friends who are better riders than me.  Towards the end of the ride, after I had gone down on my bike 5 times, I was frustrated and actually angry - not just at myself, but at my riding friends.  How dare they ride faster, harder, and more skillfully than me.  At one point I even considered taking my bike and riding home - like a little pouter.  I was able too alter my view and remember that riding with people better than you is a good way to train and get stronger, better and faster. 

Discovering and managing your emotional intelligence is very similar.  With an emotional intelligence assessment, you get a score that compares you to national averages which can be a good motivator.  But it also provides you with 3 - (only 3!) poignant ways to improve. 

When I first assessed, my three areas were in the self-awareness category:  Watch me like a hawk; Visit my vision and values often; and Observe the ripple effect of my emotions on others people.  Those were easy to remember and did transform and improve my  emotional intelligence.  I "trained" in those 3 areas for months and then reassessed to find that my emotional intelligence did improve!  The new assessment then gave me 3 new areas to work on.

Assessing is valuable and easy.  To start yours to drcarlyle.com.
