Blah, Blah, Blah - Fighting the Urge to Trend-Talk

I like to be cool.  I like to be hip.  I like to use words like hip - even when they aren't hip anymore.  It is hard to keep up with the trendy talking and pithy little words that are used these days.  As I age (into my 50's now), I find it even more difficult to keep up.

Maybe I don't have to!

This article about Emotional Intelligence, says that we should be more careful about trend-talking.  Since one aspect of Emotional Intelligence is about social competence, being socially competent includes being both sensitive and concise - and not glibly trendy.

So maybe I can relax in my attempts at trend-talking.

Here is a trend-talking quote from the article.  The article link is after the quote.

"Listen Ray, I don’t have the bandwidth for it with everything that’s on my plate, but ping me anyway because at the end of the day it’s on my radar and I don’t want to be thrown under the bus because I didn’t circle back around on this no-brainer.”

TalentSmart Article on Trend-Talking

Dr Carlyle is the author of the #1 bestseller - Emotalerting - The Art of Managing the Moment
